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Diversifier list: 

“Weekend Market” plan:

Narratively driven, top-down simulator type game thing


  • Selling goods to customer 
    • NPC customers would request items, player grabs item from shelves
    • Customer says a few narrative related words before departing
  • Buying stuff online after day (non-essential)
    • Player returns to bedroom scene after working
    • Player is required to purchase stock for the next day with computer
      • Could play around with buying cosmetics/trinkets as well
    • Player interacts with bed to end the day
  • Stock up in the morning
    • Player takes boxes to shelves and starts shift
  • 3 day story plan
    • Player learns about the town and characters through conversation
    • Dream sequences maybe
    • some kind of disaster
      • Does not have to be shown, up to interpretation or revealed by newspaper type thing
  • Market changes with the days (non-essential)
    • Day 1: Lemonade stand type thing
    • Day 2: Small shop
    • Day3: Full supermarket
  • Seaside town setting (Anchorage or Seward Alaska)

Diversifiers: #1, #8(?), #11(?), #12(?), #13, #20


  • Chef RPG
  • Stardew Valley

Aesthetics/art direction:

  • color pallets could change each day to match the feel

Awful Drawing:

Workflow/plan I guess:


  1. Lotta Ideas, see what we can come up with
  2. Create a design document (I’m doing that right now :D)
  3. Critique Ideas and refine possible projects
  4. Choose project
  5. Concept art and mockup mechanics


  1. Design and refine mechanics
  2. Work out which essential and non-essential gameplay aspects we keep
  3. Begin developing art and sound
  4. Have a full mockup scene done


  1. Finalize and implement art and sound
  2. Finish all gameplay systems
  3. Develop story
  4. Work on cut content (if there’s extra time)


  1. Visual and mechanical finishing touches
  2. Finish any story-related sequences and scenes
  3. Work on cut content (if there’s extra time)
  4. Tie up loose ends

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